0.5.5 (2024-08-18)

Supported Scala versions

Scala Binary Version Supported Scala Versions
2.12 2.12.14 ... 2.12.19
2.13 2.13.8 ... 2.13.14
3 3.1.2 ... 3.1.3
3.2.0 ... 3.2.2
3.3.0 ... 3.3.3
3.4.0 ... 3.4.3

Upon release of new Scala version (stable, or Scala 3 RC) version dependent artifacts would be published without a new release.

Commits since last release 28
Merged PRs 27
Contributors 7


Big thanks to everybody who contributed to this release or reported an issue!

$ git shortlog -sn --no-merges v0.5.4..v0.5.5
  16 LeeTibbert
   6 Wojciech Mazur
   2 Maksym Ochenashko
   1 Eric K Richardson
   1 Guest user
   1 Natsu Kagami
   1 dependabot[bot]

Merged PRs

v0.5.5 (2024-08-18)

Full Changelog

Merged pull requests:

Scala Native Runtime

  • Optimizations for Delimited Continuations implementation #3978 (natsukagami)

  • feature [nativelib]: add runtimeVersion to the LinktimeInfo #4028 (iRevive)

  • feature [nativelib]: implement MemoryMXBean and ManagementFactory #4021 (iRevive)

Java Standard Library

  • fix[javalib]: Use FunctionalInterface annotation consistently #3981 (LeeTibbert)

  • fix[javalib]: Math#max & Math.min now order IEEE754 negative zeros correctly. #3985 (LeeTibbert)

  • feature[javalib]: Math.TAU & four Math.clamp() methods #3989 (LeeTibbert)

  • improvement [javalib]: Implement List static methods #3992 (LeeTibbert)

  • improvement [javalib]: Implement Set & HashSet static methods #3993 (LeeTibbert)

  • improvement [javalib]: Implement Map & HashMap static methods #3994 (LeeTibbert)

  • improvement [javalib]: AbstractSet#equals now matches other Sets only #3996 (LeeTibbert)

  • improvement [javalib]: add required override for Set#spliterator #3997 (LeeTibbert)

  • improvement [javalib]: simplify ‘Stream#toList’ implementation #4000 (LeeTibbert)

  • improvement [javalib]: Correct file name to j.u.SplittableRandom.scala #4004 (LeeTibbert)

  • improvement [javalib]: Implement Java 21 Collections.shuffle(List, RandomGenerator) #4005 (LeeTibbert)

  • improvement [javalib]: implement ju.LinkedHashMap#newLinkedHashMap static method #4006 (LeeTibbert)

  • improvement [javalib]: Four *Stream#skip methods now pass an accurate estimatedSize downstream #4008 (LeeTibbert)

  • improvement [javalib]: implement ju.LinkedHashSet#newLinkedHashSet static method #4009 (LeeTibbert)

Scala compiler plugins

Scala Native toolchain

  • [fix] Traversing unreachable code blocks in lowering phase in nonoptimized builds #4013 (WojciechMazur)


  • improvement [docs]: remove $, separate output from cli snippets #4002 (spaceunifyfifty)

  • Update and enhance documentation for Scala Native version 0.5 #4020 (ekrich)

POSIX bindings

  • feature [posixlib]: Add partial Open Group Issue 8 support to unistd.scala #4019 (LeeTibbert)