Guide to the sbt build

This section gives some basic information and tips about the build system. The sbt build system is quite complex and effectively brings together all the components of Scala Native. The build.sbt file is at the root of the project along with the sub-projects that make up the system.

  • project/Build.scala defines the sub-projects

  • project/Commands.scala defines the custom commands such as test-all

Build settings via environment variables

Two build settings, nativeGC and nativeMode can be changed via environment variables. They have default settings that are used unless changed. The setting that controls the garbage collector is nativeGC. Scala Native has a high performance Garbage Collector (GC) immix that comes with the system or the boehm GC which can be used when the supporting library is installed. The setting none also exists for a short running script or where memory is not an issue.

Scala Native uses Continuous integration (CI) to compile and test the code on different platforms[1] and using different garbage collectors[2]. The Scala Native sbt plugin includes the ability to set an environment variable SCALANATIVE_GC to set the garbage collector value used by sbt. Setting this as follows will set the value in the plugin when sbt is run.

$ export SCALANATIVE_GC=immix
$ sbt
> show nativeGC

This setting remains unless changed at the sbt prompt. If changed, the value will be restored to the environment variable value if sbt is restarted or reload is called at the sbt prompt. You can also revert to the default setting value by running unset SCALANATIVE_GC at the command line and then restarting sbt.

The nativeMode setting is controlled via the SCALANATIVE_MODE environment variable. The default mode, debug is designed to optimize but compile fast whereas the release mode performs additional optimizations and takes longer to compile. The release-fast mode builds faster, performs less optimizations, but may perform better than release. The release-size mode optimizes for reduced size.

The optimize setting is controlled via the SCALANATIVE_OPTIMIZE environment variable. Valid values are true and false. The default value is true. This setting controls whether the Interflow optimizer is enabled or not.

The path to used include and library dirs is controlled via environment variables the SCALANATIVE_INCLUDE_DIRS and SCALANATIVE_LIB_DIRS.

Setting the GC setting via sbt

The GC setting is only used during the link phase of the Scala Native compiler so it can be applied to one or all the Scala Native projects that use the sbtScalaNative plugin. This is an example to only change the setting for the sandbox.

$ sbt
> show nativeGC
> set nativeGC in sandbox := "none"
> show nativeGC
> sandbox/run

The following shows how to set nativeGC on all the projects.

> set every nativeGC := "immix"
> show nativeGC

The same process above will work for setting nativeMode.

Organization of the build

The build has roughly five groups of sub-projects as follows:

  1. The compiler plugin, which generates NIR files. It is used in all the Scala Native artifacts in the build, with .dependsOn(nscplugin % "plugin"). This is a JVM project.

    • nscplugin

  2. The Scala Native core libraries. Those are core artifacts which the sbt plugin adds to the Compile configuration of all Scala Native projects. The libraries in this group are themselves Scala Native projects. Projects further in the list depend on projects before them.

    • nativelib

    • clib

    • posixlib

    • javalib

    • auxlib

    • scalalib

  3. The Scala Native sbt plugin and its dependencies (directory names are in parentheses). These are JVM projects.

    • sbtScalaNative (sbt-scala-native)

    • tools

    • nir, util

    • testRunner (test-runner)

  4. The Scala Native test interface and its dependencies. The sbt plugin adds them to the Test configuration of all Scala Native projects. These are Scala Native projects.

    • testInterface (test-interface)

    • testInterfaceSbtDefs (test-interface-sbt-defs)

  5. Tests and benchmarks (no dependencies on each other).

    • tests (unit-tests) (Scala Native project)

    • tools This has tests within the project (JVM project)

    • (scripted-tests) (JVM project)

  6. External tests and its dependencies. Sources of these tests are not stored in this project, but fetched from external sources, e.g.: Scala compiler repository. Sources in this project define interface used by Scala Native and tests filters.

    • scalaPartest (scala-partest) (JVM project, uses Scala Native artifacts)

    • scalaPartestRuntime (scala-partest-runtime) (Scala native project)

    • scalaPartestTests (scala-partest-tests) (JVM project)

    • scalaPartestJunitTests (scala-partest-junit-tests) (Scala Native project)

  7. JUnit plugin, its tests and dependencies. Following sources define JUnit compiler for Scala Native and its runtime, as well as compliance tests and internal stubs.

    • junitPlugin (junit-plugin)

    • junitRuntime (junit-runtime)

    • junitTestOutputsJVM (junit-test/output-jvm)

    • junitTestOutputsNative (junit-test/output-native)

    • junitAsyncJVM (junit-async/jvm)

    • junitAsyncNative (junit-async/native)

Apart from those mentioned sub-projects it is possible to notice project-like directory testInterfaceCommon (test-interface-common). Its content is shared as unmanaged source dependency between JVM and Native sides of test interface.

Working with scalalib overrides

Scalalib project does not introduce any new classes but provides overrides for the existing Scala standard library. Some of these overrides exist to improve the performance of Scala Native, eg. by explicit inlining of some methods. When running scalalib/compile it will automatically use existing *.scala files defined in overrides directories. To reduce the number of changes between overrides and original Scala sources, we have introduced a patching mechanism. Each file defined with the name *.scala.patch contains generated patch, which would be applied onto source defined for the current Scala version inside its standard library. In case overrides* directory contains both *.scala file and its corresponding patch file, only *.scala file would be added to the compilation sources.

To operate with patches it is recommended to use ScalaCLI script scripts/ It takes 2 mandatory arguments: command to use and Scala version. There are currently 3 supported commands defined:

  • recreate - creates *.scala files based on original sources with applied patches corresponding to their name

  • create - creates *.scala.patch files from defined *.scala files in overrides directory with corresponding name;

  • prune - deletes all *.scala files which does not have corresponding *.scala.patch file

e.g. scala-cli scripts/ -- recreate 2.13.10

Each of these commands is applied to all files defined in the overrides directory. By default override directory is selected based on the used scala version, if it’s not the present script will try to use directory with corresponding Scala binary version, or it would try to use Scala epoch version or overrides directory. If none of these directories exists it will fail. It is also possible to define explicitly overrides directory to use by passing it as the third argument to the script.

The next section has more build and development information for those wanting to work on compiler.