Building projects with sbt

If you have reached this section you probably have a system that is now able to compile and run Scala Native programs.

Minimal sbt project

The easiest way to make a fresh project is to use our official gitter8 template:

sbt new scala-native/scala-native.g8

This generates the following files:

  • project/plugins.sbt to add a plugin dependency:

    addSbtPlugin("org.scala-native" % "sbt-scala-native" % "0.4.0-M2")
  • project/ to specify the sbt version:

    sbt.version = 1.4.1
  • build.sbt to enable the plugin and specify Scala version:

    scalaVersion := "2.11.12"
  • src/main/scala/Main.scala with minimal application:

    object Main {
      def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
        println("Hello, world!")

Now, simply run sbt run to get everything compiled and have the expected output! Please refer to the FAQ if you encounter any problems.

Scala versions

Scala Native supports following Scala versions for corresponding releases:

Scala Native Version Scala Versions
0.1.x 2.11.8
0.2.x 2.11.8, 2.11.11
0.3.0-0.3.3 2.11.8, 2.11.11
0.3.4+, 0.4.0-M1, 0.4.0-M2 2.11.8, 2.11.11, 2.11.12
0.4.0 2.11.12, 2.12.13, 2.13.4

Sbt settings and tasks

The settings now should be set via nativeConfig in sbt. Setting the options directly is now deprecated.


nativeConfig ~= {
Since Name Type Description
0.1 compile Analysis Compile Scala code to NIR
0.1 run Unit Compile, link and run the generated binary
0.1 package File Similar to standard package with addition of NIR
0.1 publish Unit Similar to standard publish with addition of NIR (1)
0.1 nativeLink File Link NIR and generate native binary
0.1 nativeClang File Path to clang command
0.1 nativeClangPP File Path to clang++ command
0.1 nativeCompileOptions Seq[String] Extra options passed to clang verbatim during compilation
0.1 nativeLinkingOptions Seq[String] Extra options passed to clang verbatim during linking
0.1 nativeMode String One of "debug", "release-fast" or "release-full" (2)
0.2 nativeGC String One of "none", "boehm" or "immix" (3)
0.3.3 nativeLinkStubs Boolean Whether to link @stub definitions, or to ignore them
0.4.0 nativeConfig NativeConfig Configuration of the Scala Native plugin
0.4.0 nativeLTO String One of "none", "full" or "thin" (4)
0.4.0 targetTriple String The platform LLVM target triple
0.4.0 nativeCheck Boolean Shall the linker check intermediate results for correctness?
0.4.0 nativeDump Boolean Shall the linker dump intermediate results to disk?
  1. See Publishing and Cross compilation for details.
  2. See Compilation modes for details.
  3. See Garbage collectors for details.
  4. See Link-Time Optimization (LTO) for details.

Compilation modes

Scala Native supports three distinct linking modes:

  1. debug. (default)

    Default mode. Optimized for shortest compilation time. Runs fewer optimizations and is much more suited for iterative development workflow. Similar to clang’s -O0.

  2. release. (deprecated since 0.4.0)

    Aliases to release-full.

  1. release-fast. (introduced in 0.4.0)

    Optimize for runtime performance while still trying to keep quick compilation time and small emitted code size. Similar to clang’s -O2 with addition of link-time optimization over the whole application code.

  2. release-full. (introduced in 0.4.0)

    Optimized for best runtime performance, even if hurts compilation time and code size. This modes includes a number of more aggresive optimizations such type-driven method duplication and more aggresive inliner. Similar to clang’s -O3 with addition of link-time optimization over the whole application code.

Garbage collectors

  1. immix. (default since 0.3.8, introduced in 0.3)

    Immix is a mostly-precise mark-region tracing garbage collector. More information about the collector is available as part of the original 0.3.0 announcement.

  2. commix. (introduced in 0.4)

    Commix is parallel mark and concurrent sweep garbage collector based on Immix

  3. boehm. (default through 0.3.7)

    Conservative generational garbage collector. More information is available at the Github project “ivmai/bdgc” page.

  4. none. (experimental, introduced in 0.2)

    Garbage collector that allocates things without ever freeing them. Useful for short-running command-line applications or applications where garbage collections pauses are not acceptable.

Cross compilation using target triple

The target triple can be set to allow cross compilation (introduced in 0.4.0). Use the following approach in sbt to set the target triple:

nativeConfig ~= { _.withTargetTriple("x86_64-apple-macosx10.14.0") }


Scala Native supports sbt’s standard workflow for the package distribution:

  1. Compile your code.
  2. Generate a jar with all of the class files and NIR files.
  3. Publish the jar to sonatype, bintray or any other 3rd party hosting service.

Once the jar has been published, it can be resolved through sbt’s standard package resolution system.

Including Native Code in your Application or Library

Scala Native uses native C and C++ code to interact with the underlying platform and operating system. Since the tool chain compiles and links the Scala Native system, it can also compile and link C and C++ code included in an application project or a library that supports Scala Native that includes C and/or C++ source code.

Supported file extensions for native code are .c, .cpp, and .S.

Note that .S files or assembly code is not portable across different CPU architectures so conditional compilation would be needed to support more than one architecture. You can also include header files with the extensions .h and .hpp.

Applications with Native Code

In order to create standalone native projects with native code use the following procedure. You can start with the basic Scala Native template.

Add C/C++ code into src/main/resources/scala-native. The code can be put in subdirectories as desired inside the scala-native directory. As an example, create a file named myapi.c and put it into your scala-native directory as described above.

long long add3(long long in) { return in + 3; }

Next, create a main file as follows:

import scalanative.unsafe._

object myapi {
  def add3(in: CLongLong): CLongLong = extern

object Main {
  import myapi._
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val res = add3(-3L)
    assert(res == 0L)
    println(s"Add3 to -3 = $res")

Finally, compile and run this like a normal Scala Native application.

Using libraries with Native Code

Libraries developed to target the Scala Native platform can have C, C++, or assembly files included in the dependency. The code is added to src/main/resources/scala-native and is published like a normal Scala library. The code can be put in subdirectories as desired inside the scala-native directory. These libraries can also be cross built to support Scala/JVM or Scala.js if the Native portions have replacement code on the respective platforms.

The primary purpose of this feature is to allow libraries to support Scala Native that need native “glue” code to operate. The current C interopt does not allow direct access to macro defined constants and functions or allow passing “struct”s from the stack to C functions. Future versions of Scala Native may relax these restrictions making this feature obsolete.

Note: This feature is not a replacement for developing or distributing native C/C++ libraries and should not be used for this purpose.

If the dependency contains native code, Scala Native will identify the library as a dependency that has native code and will unpack the library. Next, it will compile, link, and optimize any native code along with the Scala Native runtime and your application code. No additional information is needed in the build file other than the normal dependency so it is transparent to the library user.

This feature can be used in combination with the feature above that allows native code in your application.

Cross compilation

sbt-crossproject is an sbt plugin that lets you cross-compile your projects against all three major platforms in Scala: JVM, JavaScript via Scala.js, and native via Scala Native. It is based on the original cross-project idea from Scala.js and supports the same syntax for existing JVM/JavaScript cross-projects. Please refer to the project’s README for details.

Continue to Language semantics.